C linker scripts howto 2022-11-16
Debugging BL702 2022-03-17 SSD1306 OLED Display 2022-03-17 Board Setup Config 2022-03-15 Device Drivers 101 2022-02-24 PWM 2022-02-24 Timers 2022-02-24 Serial UART 2022-02-24 freeRTOS Overview 2022-02-24 Basic GPIO BL702 2022-02-23 Basic application structure 2022-02-22 Setup a development environment 2022-02-22
The STM32WB series 2025-02-26 Understanding the Clock Subsytem 2025-02-19 Setting up the environment 2025-02-19 Venture into Silicon Labs' EFR32BG22 Series 2 chips 2024-08-11
Prepare Fedora Linux for Buildroot compilation 2024-01-10 Following the Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide with RISC-V Milkv Duo embedded board 2024-01-06 Learning Embedded Linux Driver Development 2023-12-31 Milk-V Duo: $5 Embedded Linux board 2023-12-27 Booting a custom device tree file source in buildroot 2023-12-21 Set-up a cross-compile environment for buildroot Linux system running on Orange PI Zero 3 2023-12-19
Setup Atomic Desktops for embedded development 2025-02-21 The Ten Cent Microcontroller Space 2025-02-07 Port forwarding on site-to-site VPN using wireguard, AKA Howto bittorrent behind CGNAT for free 2024-10-19 Perpertually AI auto blogging from RSS news feed: My experience with NO-CODE tools 2024-10-05 Venturing into freeBSD: Homeserver attempt 2 2024-05-19 Setup Radarr for x265 encodes 2024-04-27 My roundup of some popular Linux Distros 2024-01-09 NodeMCU: The chip powering countless DIY IoT projects, NodeMCU brings the cloud right onto your board 2023-12-01 Building an affordable electronics lab for hobbyists 2023-11-09 Lutris: The Linux Gaming Hero 2023-11-09 Unveiling the Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Hobbyists: The Multimeter 2023-11-09 Building a Frugal Gaming PC 2023-11-08 Best microcontroller for Beginners 2023-11-05 Comparison of SSG frameworks 2023-11-05 Review of Zola 2023-11-05 Deploying an IPv6 based seedbox 2023-09-16 Building a Developer's Workstation 2023-05-23 Basic commands for Network Troubleshooting 2023-05-16 DIY NAS 2023-05-10 802.15.4 Wireless 2023-04-22 Switching to the nRFMicro 2022-03-20 Thoughts on the ESP-IDF SDK 2022-03-19 Switching to the ESP32-C3 2022-03-18 Low-cost microcontrollers for hobbyists 2022-03-16 Analog Filters Primer 2022-02-27 A DIY jtag debugger 2022-02-16
nRF52840 board (Nice!Nano clones) 2023-11-07 Project: Gravity Detector 2023-05-06 Micro:Bit IO breakout board 2023-05-05
NuttX Supported Boards 2022-02-18
First project in RIOT-OS: OLED 2023-11-10
Switch host to Codeberg 2025-02-25 Why run local LLMs? 2023-11-30 Zephyr-7b-beta: Or how to run a ChatGPT alternative on an 8GB Graphics Card 2023-11-14 Checking out a free opensource ChatGPT alternative: Zephry-7b-Beta 2023-11-12 Introduction to AliExpress for the DIY Enthusiast 2023-11-10 Mastering the Llama: Unleashing the Power of Self-Hosted AI with Llama GPT 2023-11-10 Switched site to Zola SSG 2023-11-03 Go nuclear! 2023-05-21 My experience with drop-ship warehousing 2023-05-17 My experience with Debian Testing 2023-05-11 Selfhosted email delivery with postfix 2022-12-27 Sphinx Documentation Generator 2022-12-07 Sipeed BL702 board 2022-12-01 Gitlab Selfhohsted! 2022-11-23 DOOM Emacs intro 2022-11-16 Self hosted Mastodon Instance 2022-11-13 Review: PI Pico 4MB version 2022-11-04 Octave Command Line Mode 2022-02-27 THE Dev board you've been waiting for: $1.8 XT-ZB1 Zigbee & BLE devkit features BL702 RISC-V module 2022-02-20 Welcome 2022-02-16